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Congrats to clinical program doctoral student, Ben Parchem and Dr. Sherry Molock on a very timely article examining the impact of COVID on college students from communities of color!

Molock, S. D., & Parchem, B. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on college students from communities of color. Journal of American College Health, 1–7.

Please join us in congratulating Makiko Watanabe on the successful defense of her dissertation entitled: Risk and Protective Factors of Suicidal Ideation Among Asian American Adolescents in the U.S.  Dr. Sherry Molock was the dissertation chair. Committee members included Dr. Mimi Le, Dr. Christina Gee, Dr. Carol Sigelman, and Dr. Megan McCormick.  Dr. Phil Moore served as Chair of the meeting.

Makiko is currently completing her clinical internship at Boston Children's and will be moving to the West coast later this year to begin her post-doc at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center!

Congrats, Makiko!

Makiko's dissertation defense Makiko and Dr. Sherry Molock Makiko and her committee