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Congratulations to ASP faculty - Dr. Lisa Bowleg, current ASP doctoral students - Riko Boone and Mary Mbaba, and ASP graduates - Drs. Ana Maria del Rio-Gonzalez and Sidney Holt on their recent publication in American Psychologist, titled "Beyond 'heartfelt condolences': A critical take on mainstream psychology’s responses to anti-Black police brutality"

Bowleg, L., Boone, C. A., del Río González, A. M., Holt, S. L., & Mbaba, M. (2021). Beyond “heartfelt condolences”: A critical take on mainstream psychology’s responses to anti-Black police brutality. American Psychologist.

Please join us in congratulating Ben Parchem on first authoring a manuscript entitled: Comparison of anxiety and depression rates among LGBTQ college students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Journal of American College Health.

Parchem, B., Wheeler, A., Talaski, A., & Molock, S. D. (2021). Comparison of anxiety and depression rates among LGBTQ college students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of American college health, 1-9.