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*** Next Deadline is April 10, 2018 ***


The Department of Psychology Undergraduate Research and Service Grant (URSG) program is designed to support undergraduate psychology majors who are exploring psychological research and psychological services as possible career paths. Students may apply for up to $500 to cover relevant expenses.

Eligible Research and Services Experiences

Students engaging in the following activities are eligible for URSG funding:

  • Research with Department of Psychology faculty, through research internship (enrolled in PSYC 3591), independent study (PSYC 4591), as a research assistant paid with other funds, or through uncredited volunteer activities.
  • Psychological research conducted by investigators outside of the Psychology department or the university, when coordinated through Psychology faculty via research internship (PSYC 3591), independent study (PSYC 4591), or through non-course learning plans (see below).
  • Service placements coordinated by Department of Psychology faculty, through field internships (PSYC 3592) or CCAS service learning (CCAS 2154).
  • Service placements within the Department of Psychology Meltzer Center, whether on a funded or volunteer basis.

Non-course learning plans: Some students may find opportunities for participating in psychological research projects being conducted outside the Psychology Department, but not wish to enroll in PSYC 3591 or PSYC 4591. These students can apply for URSG funding if they are able to find a member of the Psychology faculty willing to provide oversight of the experience. This would include helping the student develop a written learning plan with their research supervisors that outlines the commitments and responsibilities of both the student and the research team. It would also include the Psychology faculty member being available to help the student negotiate with the research team if problems arise.

Allowed Expenses

URSG funds may be used for any expense associated with participation in the research or service activity. These expenses can include travel to and from the performance site, materials and subject payments for research projects, or expenses associated with attending scientific or professional services conferences or trainings directly relevant to the student’s research or service experience, including presentation of posters or papers. It can also include costs of background checks required by some service settings. URSG funds may also be used for hourly wages of students who have a paid position under the work-study program as a research assistant with a Psychology Department faculty member or with the Meltzer Center.

Application Deadlines

There are three deadlines for 2018, corresponding to funding for activities during the spring, summer, and fall:

  • 2018 Spring Semester: Friday, January 19, 2018.
  • 2018 Summer: Tuesday, April 10, 2018
  • 2018 Fall Semester: September 7, 2018

Application Materials

Applications need to include:

  • Completed application form.
  • Statement of support from the Psychology faculty member overseeing the experience
  • Unofficial GW transcript (please provide a screen shot; no transcripts from GWEB).

Selection Process

The Psychology Department Selection Committee, which includes faculty members from the three department programs, will review applications and make decisions on funding. Recipients must let the Department know if they receive funding for the same activity from another source; the award may need to be reduced.

Final Report

Each recipient must submit a report at the end of the funding period explaining how the funds were used, and any activities or outcomes that the funds made possible.

Contact Carol Sigelman ( for a copy of the application form.

Congratulations to the First Psychology Undergraduate Research and Service Grant (URSG) Award Recipients, January 2018 Competition. The next competition deadline will be in mid-April!

Katie Allison: Funds to cover transportation costs for her work with the Metropolitan Police Department as a Domestic Violence Liaison. This internship will place Katie in the community, engaging in an outreach/support program in her area of interest, law enforcement. Specifically, she will go with police on domestic violence calls and assist with survivors; she is doing this in conjunction with Dr. Lambert’s Psyc 3592 (Field Internship).

Ashley Cheng: Work-study funding to allow her to be actively involved in developing, designing, and conducting a study within Dr. Shomstein’s lab. She will work with graduate student Joe Nah and Dr. Shomstein to develop, carry out, and analyze a study examining how semantic knowledge can affect visual attention—e.g., how presentation of the word “mixer” affects processing of baking-related items in a kitchen scene. Ashley has been learning how to program in Python in preparation.

Jacqueline Mai: For transportation costs to allow her to participate in a Research Assistantship at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) Laboratory for the Treatment of Suicide-related Ideation and Behavior. She will be working on a randomized clinical trial for military psychiatric inpatients. And will also carry out a literature review on humanistic cognitive behavioral therapy in conjunction with this work and a Psyc 3591 supervised research course co-mentored by Margaret Baer of USUHS and Dr. Sigelman.

John “Jack” Venezia: Funds to assist in paying for additional research participants in graduate student Meagan Ryan’s dissertation research in Dr. Rohrbeck’s lab. Jack assisted Meagan in identifying measures for her dissertation and also added a "Meaning of Life" Questionnaire to her research protocol with the goal of carrying out his own substudy of how "meaning of life" moderates associations between trauma exposure and mental health outcomes among undergraduate veterans.