Please join us in congratulating Ben Turley and Sam Gritz, undergraduates in Neuroscience/Psychology and Brain Sciences (Advised by Dr. Tonya Dodge, faculty in Applied Social Psychology) for winning second prize for the Nashman Prize for Community Based Participatory Research! The title of their research project was, "Investigating D.C. Opioid Use Disorder Demographics and Co-Occurrences in Inpatient and Outpatient Electronic Health Records". In this project, the researchers partnered with D.C. medical providers and opioid care organizations in order to share resources and develop a comprehensive model of the urban opioid use disorder population. Congratulations! To see all the awardees:…/winners-announced-for-the-2020-nas…/
Tag: Dodge
New publications from graduate students and faculty!
Congratulations are in order to the following students and faculty who have recently published their research!
Applied Social Psychology doctoral students Charlotte Hagerman (4th year) and Zeljka Macura (5th year)'s research proposal titled, “The effects of implicit theories on body weight information avoidance” has been accepted by Experimental Psychology as a Registered Report. Charlotte and Zeljka are at the forefront of best practices in social psychology with this paper. The research proposal went through two rounds of rigorous peer review, and resulted in this favorable outcome. Co-authors on the manuscript include Dr. Michelle Stock, Dr. Phil Moore, Dr. Tonya Dodge, and Dr. Phil Wirtz.
Deepti Joshi, a sixth year Applied Social Psychology student, recently had a paper, "Compensatory Physical Activity: Impact on Type of Physical Activity and Physical Activity Habits among Female Young Adults" accepted for publication in The Journal of American College Health. Applied Social Psychology faculty member, Dr. Tonya Dodge, is co-author on this paper.
Riko Boone, a fourth year Applied Social Psychology Ph.D. student, recently published "Structuring Sexual Pleasure: Equitable Access to Biomedical HIV Prevention for Black Men Who Have Sex with Men" which appears in American Journal of Public Health. Dr. Lisa Bowleg is a co-author on the paper.
2nd-year clinical students Sharanya Rao and Brian Clark, and Clinical faculty member, Dr. Sarah Calabrese, have a new article in press at Stigma and Health:
Rao, S., Mason, C.D., Galvao, R.W., Clark, B.A., & Calabrese, S.K. (in press). "You are illegal in your own country": The perceived impact of anti-sodomy legislation among Indian sexual minorities. Stigma and Health.
Congrats to all on this important work!
Awards and fellowships!
Congratulations on these recent fellowships awarded to Psychology folks!
Psychology major, Melissa Baker, has been awarded a Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowship. She will work with faculty mentor, Dr. Mimi Le on a project titled, "The Relationship Between Physical Activity Levels & Postpartum Depression Symptoms at 6 Weeks Postpartum".
Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student, Sanam (Sammy) Dhaliwal, has been awarded a George Washington University Summer Dissertation Fellowship for her project, "The Role of Sleep Disruption in the Onset of Perinatal Depression" Sammy's faculty mentor is Dr. Mimi Le.
Applied Social Psychology Ph.D. student, Steffi Renninger, has been awarded a George Washington University Summer Dissertation Fellowship for her project, "Adaptive and Maladaptive Responses to Weight Loss Failure among Middle-Aged Men: The Potential Moderating Role of Achievement Goals." Her faculty mentor is Dr. Tonya Dodge.
Postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Patrick Cox, received an Early Career Travel Grant to attend the upcoming Vision Sciences Society meeting in St. Petersburg, FL in May. Patrick works with Dr. Steve Mitroff.
Sanam (Sammy) Dhaliwal and Maria Cimporescu, who were awarded Richard Walk Dissertation Fellowships! Sammy’s research mentor is Dr. Mimi Le, and her project is entitled “The Role of Sleep Disturbance in the Onset of Perinatal Depression”. Maria’s mentor is Dr. George Howe, and her project is “Stress Appraisal of Anticipatory Stressors Related to the Transition Out of College”
We wish all of them the best in these endeavors!