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Please join us in congratulating Makiko Watanabe on the successful defense of her dissertation entitled: Risk and Protective Factors of Suicidal Ideation Among Asian American Adolescents in the U.S.  Dr. Sherry Molock was the dissertation chair. Committee members included Dr. Mimi Le, Dr. Christina Gee, Dr. Carol Sigelman, and Dr. Megan McCormick.  Dr. Phil Moore served as Chair of the meeting.

Makiko is currently completing her clinical internship at Boston Children's and will be moving to the West coast later this year to begin her post-doc at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center!

Congrats, Makiko!

Makiko's dissertation defense Makiko and Dr. Sherry Molock Makiko and her committee

Congratulations to Michelle Kramer, 4th-year Cognitive Neuroscience graduate student, who competed yesterday in the GW 3-minute Thesis (3MT) competition. This is a fun event where Ph.D. students have 3 minutes to present their dissertation project. Michelle went up against a strong group of excellent presenters, and she won both the 3rd place award AND the People’s Choice Award!

When you see her in the halls and have *exactly* 3 minutes to spare…ask her what her dissertation work is about!

Please join us in congratulating Alyssa Poblete on successfully defending her dissertation, “Parental Self-Efficacy in Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse Mothers”. Thanks very much to her committee Drs. Jody Ganiban, Peg Barratt, Mimi Le, and Cheri Marmarosh from the Professional Psychology program, and Steve Dopkins who chaired the meeting. Christina Gee was the dissertation director. Former and current members of the Gee lab were on hand to celebrate with Alyssa!

Alyssa is currently completing the last few weeks of her clinical internship at the American University Counseling Center. In the fall, she will join a group practice where she will be a colleague of former graduate student Dr. Jenny (Marceron) Glienke.

Congratulations and best wishes, Alyssa!