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Congratulations to Rachel Tache, Clinical Psychology graduate student, who was awarded a mini-grant from the Society for Research on Adolescence to develop the Systems of Oppression Learning Tool.
The tool will be a freely accessible, online, critical consciousness raising platform for the dissemination of curricula about the historical bases and current sociopolitical implications of a number of interconnected systems of oppression, including colonialism/imperialism, capitalism, heteropatriarchy, white supremacy, and ableism. This grant serves to compensate members of a community advisory board tasked with reviewing and providing feedback about the tool prior to wider dissemination.

Dr. Farzana Saleem, graduate of the clinical psychology Ph.D. program, received the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology SAC Student Achievement Award - Late-stage Graduate. This award was presented at the American Psychological Association convention in San Francisco.

Farzana is currently completing a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at UCLA working with Drs. Tyrone Howard and Audra Langley.

Congratulations on this achievement, Farzana!

Please join us in congratulating Sammy Dhaliwal, who was recently awarded a one-year R36 dissertation grant from the NIH, entitled "The role of sleep disturbance in the development of perinatal depression". Her study will examine the role of negative daily stress appraisals, as a pathway through which deficient sleep gives rise to perinatal depression. Sammy's advisor at GW is Dr. Mimi Le, with co-advisor Dr. Daniel Lewin at Children's National Medical Center.