Tag: ASP
Congratulations to Dr. Yeung on receiving the Pilot Award!
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Ellen Yeung on her DC Center for AIDS Research Pilot Award! Details of her project can be found below using this link: https://dccfar.gwu.edu/pilot-award-recipient-ellen-yeung-phd
1st Year Doctoral Students Intro!
As we are diving into our first semester, we would like to introduce you to our first-year doctoral students. We are happy to be working alongside these students! Throughout the next two weeks we will be posting their bios and pictures. Please join us in welcoming them!
Note: We have received permission to post their bios and pictures.
Applied Social Psychology Doctoral Students
Myla Lyons
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students
Sarah Rose Cimini
Joey Green
Lauryn Hoard
Saskia Jorgensen
Madison Newell
Cognitive Neuroscience Doctoral Students
Justin Grady
Emma Wiedenmann