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Congratulations to Clinical psych alumni Devin English, Danielle Busby; ASP doctoral candidate Riko Boone; and ASP faculty Dr. Bowleg on their recent publication in the Journal of Research on Adolescence!


English, D., Boone, C.A., Carter, J., Talan, A., Busby, D., Moody, R., Cunningham, D., Bowleg, L., & Rendina, J. (2022, In press). Intersecting structural oppression and suicidality among Black sexual minority male adolescents and emerging adults. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Congratulations to Applied Social Psychology's Mary Mbaba, Kate AuBuchon, and Dr. Tonya Dodge on the acceptance of their paper titled "The influence of descriptive and injunctive norms on U.S. adolescent marijuana use: A systematic review," which is scheduled to appear in the May 2022 issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs!


Mbaba, M., AuBuchon, K. E., & Dodge, T. (in press). The influence of descriptive and injunctive norms on U.S. adolescent marijuana use: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

In 2021, Applied Social Psychology faculty Dr. Lisa Bowleg founded and launched the Intersectionality Training Institute to help researchers, policymakers and practitioners catalyze health equity through applying intersectionality to health research, policy and practice. Visit the institute's website to learn more: