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Please join us in congratulating both Sharanya Rao and Kate AuBuchon for being awarded Dean's Graduate Instructorships for next year. As part of this award, they will be designing and independently instructing their own GW undergraduate courses (Dean's seminars), which will make fabulous additions to our current course offerings. Kate's course, Social Psychology of Bias, Discrimination, and Inequality, will be offered in the fall, and Sharanya's course, An Antiracist, Decolonial (Re)Imagination of Mainstream Psychology, will be offered in the spring.

Congrats to you both!

Dr. Lisa Bowleg has been selected as a keynote speaker for the 2022 Science of Health Equity Summit, where she will give a talk, titled: “Towards Critical Health Equity: Getting Critical About Theory, Methods, and Praxis to Advance Health Equity for All, Not Just the Privileged Some”
To learn more or register for the webinar visit:

Dr. Lisa Bowleg's paper entitled, “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”: Ten Critical Lessons for Black and Other Health Equity Researchers of Color was selected as the 2021 Lawrence W. Green Paper of the Year for Health Education & Behavior (HEB). The Lawrence W. Green Paper of the Year Award recognizes an author (or authors) whose peer-reviewed article that has been published during the preceding year in HEB and is judged by the Editors and Editorial Board of the journal as exemplifying the highest level of scholarship and making a singularly important contribution to the literature of the field.


Bowleg, L. (2021). “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house”: Ten critical lessons for black and other health equity researchers of color. Health Education & Behavior, 48(3), 237-249.