Clinical Ph.D. program graduates Nicole Cammack, Jessica Henry, and Danielle Busby are part of a new effort to promote positive mental health in the Black community. Way to go!
Meet the Founders: We are a team of 5 Clinical Psychologists who are passionate about mental health issues unique to the experiences of Black people.
As Black Psychologists, our goal is to promote equitable health and wellness in Black communities through ongoing collaborations and partnerships with other mental health providers, community advocates, clergy, etc.
Two psych alums graduating 10 years apart imparted career wisdom to Christina Gee's undergraduate clinical psychology course by video conference. Thanks, Dr. Isaiah Pickens (BA '05) and Monique McKenney (BA '15), for giving back to GW by sharing your experiences! Monique is currently a student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program and Isaiah is currently the Assistant Director of the Service Systems Program at the UCLA-Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS), the coordinating site of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN).
Priya Mehta, CCAS Psychology BA ’12, SMHS MD ’16, and Andrew Vasko, SEAS BS ’13, MS ’15, shared their story about finding love at GW (Originally published 2/21/18 in GW Alumni News: )
My fiancé, Andrew Vasko, and I met 8 years ago at GW. We were both freshman living in Lafayette Hall; I was on the 8th floor and he was on the 7th.
We loved exploring DC together, taking long walks from Foggy Bottom all the way to the Capital, and visiting the monuments and museums.
We would frequently eat out, and being so close to so many amazing restaurants definitely helped shape us into the foodies we are today.
Volunteering together was another big part of what brought us together as friends and as a couple. Our favorite experience was an Alternative Breaks trip to New Orleans our sophomore year, where we helped build homes with Habitat for Humanity.
After our undergraduate studies, we both stayed at GW. I graduated from GW Medical School in 2016 and Andrew completed his Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering in 2015.
We now live in Philadelphia together. I am a pediatric resident at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and Andrew is a civil engineer at Schnabel Engineering. We love having a new city to explore, but continue to hold onto our many years of fond memories in DC and at GW.
We are excited to be getting married this May in Tysons Corner, VA, right outside the city where it all began.