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Congrats to former and current Applied Social Psychology alum and faculty on a recently accepted paper!

Hagerman, C. J., Stock, M. L., Beekman, J. B., Yeung, E., & Persky, S. (2021). The ironic effects of dietary restraint in situations that undermine self-regulation. Eating Behaviors, 43.

Congratulations to Applied Social Psychology (ASP) graduate students Kate AuBuchon and Jonah Kracke-Bock on their paper, "Abstaining College Students' Motives to Use E-Cigarettes" that has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. ASP faculty members Drs. Tonya Dodge and Michelle Stock were co-authors. Great work!

AuBuchon, K., Kracke-Bock, J., Dodge, T., Stock, M., & Blanton, H. (in press). Abstaining college students' motives to use e-cigarettes. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.