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Congratulations to our psychology majors and our doctoral students on their graduation. We wish them all the best of the next step in their journey!

Special congrats to Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellows: Jared Axelowitz (mentor Cindy Rohrbeck), Sarah Espinel mentor Paul Poppen), and Nir Liebenthal (mentor Sherry Molock) and our Psi Chi Prize winner Frances Cooke!

Faculty and Luther Rice fellows
Dr. Poppen leads Luther Rice Fellows on stage

Our new PhDs are: Rodrigo Aguayo Romero, Paige Clarke, Lauren Fowler, Darin Galyer, Marta Genovez, Chong-In (Joe) Nah, Samia Ortiz-Hernandez, Ariel Smith, and Chunyue Teng.

Congratulations on these recent fellowships awarded to Psychology folks!

Psychology major, Melissa Baker, has been awarded a Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowship.  She will work with faculty mentor, Dr. Mimi Le on a project titled, "The Relationship Between Physical Activity Levels & Postpartum Depression Symptoms at 6 Weeks Postpartum".

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student, Sanam (Sammy) Dhaliwal, has been awarded  a George Washington University Summer Dissertation Fellowship for her project, "The Role of Sleep Disruption in the Onset of Perinatal Depression"  Sammy's faculty mentor is Dr. Mimi Le.

Applied Social Psychology Ph.D. student, Steffi Renninger, has been awarded a George Washington University Summer Dissertation Fellowship for her project, "Adaptive and Maladaptive Responses to Weight Loss Failure among Middle-Aged Men: The Potential Moderating Role of Achievement Goals." Her faculty mentor is Dr. Tonya Dodge.

Postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Patrick Cox, received an Early Career Travel Grant to attend the upcoming Vision Sciences Society meeting in St. Petersburg, FL in May.  Patrick works with Dr. Steve Mitroff.

Sanam (Sammy) Dhaliwal and Maria Cimporescu, who were awarded Richard Walk Dissertation Fellowships!  Sammy’s research mentor is Dr. Mimi Le, and her project is entitled “The Role of Sleep Disturbance in the Onset of Perinatal Depression”.  Maria’s mentor is Dr. George Howe, and her project is “Stress Appraisal of Anticipatory Stressors Related to the Transition Out of College”

We wish all of them the best in these endeavors!

Congrats to all the undergraduate and graduate student researchers who presented at GW Research Days!  A special congrats to 1st and 2nd prize winners Stephanie Reda, "What is the Impact of Marijuana Legalization? Testing for Differences in Marijuana Cognitions as a Function of Marijuana Policies" and Meghan Mette, "Reasons for Not Intervening as a Bystander to Prevent Sexual Assault"!

Jared Axelowitz shakes Pres. LeBlanc's hand