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Please join us in congratulating clinical psychology Ph.D. student, Rachel Tache, whose manuscript, "The Role of Depressive Symptoms in Substance Use among African American Boys Exposed to Community Violence", has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Traumatic Stress.  Well done, Rachel!

Please join us in congratulating, Applied Social Psychology doctoral student, Charlotte Hagerman, on a first-authored publication in Health Psychology! This paper is a result of her work this summer with Dr. Susan Persky at the National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH.

Hagerman, C.J., Klein, W.K., Ferrer, R.A., & Persky, S. (in press). Association of parental guilt with harmful versus healthful eating and feeding from a virtual reality buffet. Health Psychology.

Congrats, Charlotte!

Please join us in congratulating Andrew Gepty on his publication in press at Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Gepty, A. A., Hamilton, J. L., Abramson, L. Y., & Alloy, L. B. (in press). The combination of living in high crime neighborhoods and high rumination predicts depressive symptoms among adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Great job, Andrew!