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Congratulations to the newest Ph.D.s in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences! We are sad to not be able to congratulate you in person at today’s doctoral hooding, but want you to know how proud we are of your accomplishments. We wish you the best and look forward to hearing about all your future successes!

Applied Social Psychology Ph.D. program:
Brianne Molloy
Steffi Renniger

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program:
Maria Cimporescu
Catherine Coogan
Sammy Dhaliwal
Dave Jean
David Jeffries
Rachel Mack Kolsky
Frances Mallari
Meagan Ryan
Alyssa Poblete
Makiko Watanabe
Dot White

Congrats!! To see the virtual hooding:

Spreading some much needed good news! Please join us in congratulating the following students who obtained incredible clinical psychology internships for next year:

Andrew Barnett: Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Pediatric, Providence, RI

Aubrey Harrison: UCSF/SFGH Child & Adolescent Services San Francisco, CA

Nicole Hedrick: George Mason University Counseling Center, Fairfax, VA

Veronica Pinho: Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Health Psychology - Miami, Miami, FL

Amrisha Prakash: CAPS/University of San Francisco Counseling Center, San Francisco, CA

Nick Talisman: American University Counseling Center, Washington, DC

We are pleased to announce the winners of our first annual Graduate Student Teaching Awards: Clinical Psychology program student Nick Talisman (Graduate Teaching Award) and Applied Social Psychology student Charlotte Hagerman (Graduate Teaching Assistant Award). Both have shown remarkable dedication and skill in their teaching! They will each receive a certificate acknowledging their accomplishment as well as a $150 stipend. Congrats to both!