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Congrats to Dr. Stephen Dopkins and Cognitive Neuroscience doctoral student Gordon McIntire who just published their article entitled "Greater sensitivity in separation discrimination with closer spacing of separation levels tested" in the Journal of Vision this month! Great work!


Dopkins, S., & McIntire, G. (2022). Greater sensitivity in separation discrimination with closer spacing of separation levels tested. Journal of Vision, 22(9).

Please congratulate Dr. Calabrese and co-authors Sharanya Rao, Mimi Tekeste, Djordje Modrakovic, and Rico Boone on their recent publication highlighted by the DC-CFAR!

Their work entitled "Let’s Be a Person to Person and Have a Genuine Conversation": Comparing Perspectives on PrEP and Sexual Health Communication Between Black Sexual Minority Men and Healthcare Providers" is published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior July 2022.


Calabrese, S. K., Rao, S., Eldahan, A. I., Tekeste, M., Modrakovic, D., Dangaran, D., Boone, C. A., Underhill, K., Krakower, D. S., Mayer, K. H., Hansen, N. B., Kershaw, T. S., Magnus, M., Betancourt, J. R., & Dovidio, J. F. (2022). "Let's be a person to person and have a genuine conversation": Comparing perspectives on PrEP and sexual health communication between black sexual minority men and healthcare providers. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(5), 2583-2601.

Please join us in congratulating Kira Wegner-Clemens who was notified that she is the recipient of the NIH F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award! Her proposal is titled "Neural mechanisms of semantic guidance of audiovisual attention." Drs. Dwight and Shomstein are co-sponsors on this application.

Congratulations, Kira on getting this prestigious award!