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Please join us in congratulating Alana Rule on the acceptance of her poster at the 10th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference "Perceived Racial Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Suicidal ideation in Black College Students". We are proud of you!

Check the page later to see updates on her conference experience!

As we are diving into our first semester, we would like to introduce you to our first-year doctoral students. We are happy to be working alongside these students! Please join us in welcoming them!

Applied Social Psychology Doctoral Students

Harini Krishnamurti 

Taylor Russo

Clinical Doctoral Students

Zhaoying Chen 

Justino Flores

Lauren Kobylski

Paddy Loftus 

Lindsey Siff 

Cognitive Neuroscience Doctoral Students

Sarah Malykke

Kelly McEvoy

Join us in congratulating graduate students Rebecca Hoffman, Maya Cook, and Matt Balaguer, along with their mentor, Dr. Gee, on the acceptance of their manuscript Exploring the Interaction between Social Strain and Support and its Association with College Students' Well-Being for publication in the journal Emerging Adulthood. It is wonderful to see such fruitful collaboration across labs and across programs within our department!