Please join us in congratulating third-year clinical student David Kalwicz on the acceptance of his first-authored manuscript for publication in Culture, Health & Sexuality: “There are people like me who will see that, and it will just wash over them”: Black sexual minority men’s perspectives on messaging in PrEP visual advertisements.
Congrats also to PBS co-authors Sharanya Rao, Djordje Modrakovic, and Dr. Maria Cecilia Zea. The full reference is below.
Kalwicz, D. A., Rao, S., Modrakovic, D., Zea, M. C., Dovidio, J. F., Magnus, M., Kharfen, M., Patel, V., & Calabrese, S. K. (in press). “There are people like me who will see that, and it will just wash over them”: Black sexual minority men’s perspectives on messaging in PrEP visual advertisements. Culture, Health & Sexuality.
Congrats everyone