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Congratulations to Sapana Donde (Ph.D. '09) on publishing 4 papers from her dissertation! Her research on sexual assault is more relevant than ever these days. Although she was a student in the clinical program, her dissertation chair was Dr. Alyssa Zucker.

Donde, S. D. (2015). College women’s attributions of blame for experiences of rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:

Donde, S. D. (2016). College women’s assignment of blame versus responsibility for sexual assault experiences. Violence Against Women. doi: 10.1177/1077801216665481

Donde, S., & Ragsdale, S. K. A. (2017). Assuming personal responsibility for sexual assault: Harmful but potentially adaptive for college women? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi/10.1177/0886260517734223

Donde, S., D., Ragsdale, S. K. A., Koss, M. P., & Zucker, A.N. (2018). If it wasn’t rape, was it sexual assault? Comparing rape and sexual assault acknowledgement in college women who have experienced rape. Violence Against Women.

Dr. del Rio Gonzalez photo

October 26, 2017

Please join us in congratulating DC CFAR Investigator, Ana Maria del Rio Gonzalez, PhD, as the recipient of the 2017 CFAR Adelante Award. Through Adelante, the Centers for AIDS Research strive to develop early-career investigators who focus on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and care in the Latino/Hispanic community. Dr. del Rio Gonzalez's project is entitled, "Factors associated with PrEP intentions and use among Latina immigrant transgender women in the DC metropolitan area".

This study will focus on individual and social-structural factors associated with intentions to use and actual use of PrEP among Latina immigrant trans women, ages 18 and older, living in the DC metropolitan area. The specific aims are: (1) To gain a culturally-grounded understanding of individual and social-structural factors associated with PrEP intentions and use among Latina immigrant trans women in DC.; (2) to assess levels of PrEP awareness, intentions and use among Latina immigrant trans women, as well as changes in these levels over a 6-month period, and to examine how individual and social-structural factors are associated with these changes, and (3) to synthesize the qualitative and quantitative results, and assess the validity of the findings.

Click here for more information on the CFAR Adelante Program.

As Team USA head coach at the Invictus Games, Aaron Moffett, BA ’99, combines his psychology training and his sports passion to help veterans overcome physical and emotional wounds.

At the Toronto opening ceremonies of the 2017 Invictus Games, with dignitaries like Britain's Prince Harry and former president Barack Obama looking on, USA Head Coach and Columbian College alumnus Aaron Moffett, BA ’99,  took a moment to survey his team of athletes. They included a world record-holding Navy swimmer who lost both his eyes when he stepped on an IED in Afghanistan; a one-armed archer whose Air Force squad was ambushed by a terrorist cell in Indonesia; a wheelchair cyclist who, after years of serving as linguist for the Air Force, developed debilitating multiple sclerosis; and a veteran servicewoman who found a measure of peace in the pool after struggling with the effects of a sexual assault.

“These wounded warriors are overwhelmingly resilient, incredible people who are dedicated to their country,” Moffett said. “I am privileged to be even a small part of their recovery.”

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