Two psych alums graduating 10 years apart imparted career wisdom to Christina Gee's undergraduate clinical psychology course by video conference. Thanks, Dr. Isaiah Pickens (BA '05) and Monique McKenney (BA '15), for giving back to GW by sharing your experiences! Monique is currently a student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program and Isaiah is currently the Assistant Director of the Service Systems Program at the UCLA-Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS), the coordinating site of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN).
Category: Alumni Spotlight
Check out some of our amazing alumni accomplishments and updates! If you have news to share (jobs, promotions, publications, personal news), please use our announcements form. We would love to hear from you!
Congratulations to Ariel Smith on her postdoc at Children’s Health Children’s Medical Center Dallas
Clinical Ph.D. program student Ariel Smith will be doing a postdoctoral fellowship at Children’s Health Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Congrats, Ariel!
Farzana Saleem awarded Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
Congratulations to Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student, Farzana Saleem for receiving the Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. She will be at UCLA next year working with Drs. Tyrone Howard and Audra Langley. She will be collecting data on Black and Latino youth in LA public schools to understand whether/how teachers talk to high school students about race, trauma, and racial trauma. She will also examine at how these factors impact student's mental health. Congrats, Farzana!!