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Clinical psychology P.h.D. student Barunie Kim, alum Sam Swisher (B.A. '18), and Dr. Christina Gee presented their research at APA in San Francisco, CA on August 11, 2018.  Alum Katherine Pokorny (B.A. '18) was also a coauthor, but was unable to attend. The title of their poster was: Father involvement, coparenting, and cohabitation in low-income, ethnic minority mothers.

Dr. Farzana Saleem, graduate of the clinical psychology Ph.D. program, received the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology SAC Student Achievement Award - Late-stage Graduate. This award was presented at the American Psychological Association convention in San Francisco.

Farzana is currently completing a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at UCLA working with Drs. Tyrone Howard and Audra Langley.

Congratulations on this achievement, Farzana!