Please join us in congratulating 4th-year clinical PhD student David Kalwicz and PBS-affiliated co-authors Sharanya Rao, Djordje Modrakovic, Maria Cecilia Zea, and Myra Zaheer on the acceptance of their manuscript to AIDS and Behavior. The full reference is below.
Great work, David et al.
Kalwicz, D. A., Rao, S., Modrakovic, D. X., Zea, M. C., Dovidio, J. F., Eaton, L. A., Holt, M., MacGibbon, J., Zaheer, M. A., Garner, A., & Calabrese, S. K. (in press). The implications of PrEP use, condom use, and partner viral load status for openness to serodifferent partnering among US sexual minority men (SMM). AIDS and Behavior.