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Drs. Lisa Bowleg and Deanna Kerrigan Receive New T32 Award!

Applied Social Psychology faculty member/DC CFAR Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Core Director Dr. Lisa Bowleg (GW) and Sr. Scientist Dr. Deanna Kerrigan (GW) received a new T32 award from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) entitled "Training Program in Approaches to Address Social-Structural Factors Related to HIV Intersectionally (TASHI)."

The investigators seek to prepare the next generation of community-engaged researchers using a predoctoral training program to study social determinants to promote health equity and end the HIV epidemic. This project joins faculty from multiple GW departments and schools with the goal to create "a rigorous program of coursework including a solid foundation in critical theoretical frameworks (e.g., critical race theory, intersectionality), multiple research methodologies (e.g., Community-Based Participatory Research, mixed methods), and social-structural and multi-level intervention development and evaluation."

Congrats to both!