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Congratulations to Sapana Donde (Ph.D. ’09) on publishing 4 papers from her dissertation!

Congratulations to Sapana Donde (Ph.D. '09) on publishing 4 papers from her dissertation! Her research on sexual assault is more relevant than ever these days. Although she was a student in the clinical program, her dissertation chair was Dr. Alyssa Zucker.

Donde, S. D. (2015). College women’s attributions of blame for experiences of rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:

Donde, S. D. (2016). College women’s assignment of blame versus responsibility for sexual assault experiences. Violence Against Women. doi: 10.1177/1077801216665481

Donde, S., & Ragsdale, S. K. A. (2017). Assuming personal responsibility for sexual assault: Harmful but potentially adaptive for college women? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi/10.1177/0886260517734223

Donde, S., D., Ragsdale, S. K. A., Koss, M. P., & Zucker, A.N. (2018). If it wasn’t rape, was it sexual assault? Comparing rape and sexual assault acknowledgement in college women who have experienced rape. Violence Against Women.