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Some Computer Vision and NLP projects

  1. There is a camera at the Tufandag Ski resort:

I think it shows video, and maybe there is a way to get a "live" still image from it. What can you do from many videos of this webcam? For example: can you predict the live weather parameters (wind speed or direction?) ? Can you highlight anomalous behaviors? Can you make a 3D model of that scene? For each of these problems, can you answer the Heilmeyer questions for this?

What could you do with many images from bird nest cameras?

There are YouTube streams of one box: and pages where you could write a program to save images over time:

2. Some live cameras give streams of audio and video:

(Many examples)

Live Bar Scene (tropical murphy's bar is good).

There is relatively little Deep Learning done that tries to think about one camera over very long time periods. Can you predict the sound from the video stream? Can you predict the video stream from the sound? Can you show the part of the image that is most correlated with the sound? Can you suppress the part of the sound that is unrelated to the video?

3. Some places give live video + text.

Twitch feeds have chat windows that are loosely aligned with the video. Live YouTube feeds also have a text chat.

There is *lots* of work right now trying to merge the analysis of text and video, but very little that is done for one specific viewpoint or event. Can you build a system to:
(a) predict the chat comments that will come up from a video stream (given that you can train on *lots* of video from that specific video stream),

(b) Can you identify times in the video that will have more or less text?

(c) Can you show what part of the video is related to a text comment?

4. COVID image datasets

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