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Training Model use Dataset with Multi-Labal

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These images are labeled satellite image chips with atmospheric conditions and various classes of land cover/land use. Resulting algorithms will help the global community better understand where, how, and why deforestation happens all over the world - and ultimately how to respond.


data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(12,9))


Choose Learning Rate



There is a kind of rule of thumb that to choose a learning rate of the point that the loss goes down most sharply will make the result better. So I choose lr = 0.01



learn.fit_one_cycle(5, slice(lr))



interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)

interp.plot_multi_top_losses(9, figsize=(12,9))

These images are the top loss images, we can see that they have been mis-predicted.


I also learned some concepts of Neural Networks, such as gradient descent, auto gradient, loss function, parameter and activation, to understand how the training works. And also, I started to learn to use pytorch.

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