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Double Rainbows and Starcraft Woes

Double Rainbow

With Abby's help, I have modified my code to calculate the screen mapping by applying masks to both the low and high frequency rainbow images. By then combining the low and high frequency mask, I can determine the location of the screen mapping. Below are the results of comparing predicted versus measured hue values using our double rainbow method.

It is still really bad. Here is the 3D image figure:

Most of the screen mapping is going to the top left corner. There is something weird going on with comparing hue values to generate our masks.

What's Next:

  • fix this stupid screen mapping
  • Clean up code and document everything better so that it can be used by the lab.

Starcraft Machine Learning

I am learning about the twitch (video streaming service that 'televises' Starcraft games) API service and how to interface with a stream so that I may use my Starcraft Win Predictor on live data.

I am also cleaning up the code so it is more useable for the a server.

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