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Yoking Many t-SNEs

This post has several purposes.

FIRST: We need a better name or acronym than yoked t-sne.  it kinda sucks.

  1. Loosely Aligned t-Sne
  2. Comparable t-SNE (Ct-SNE)?
  3. t-SNEEZE? t-SNEs

SECOND: How can we "t-SNEEZE" many datasets at the same time?

Suppose you are doing image embedding, and you start from imagenet, then from epoch to epoch you learn a better embedding.  It might be interesting to see the evolution of where the points are mapped.  To do this you'd like to yoke (or align, or tie together, or t-SNEEZE) all the t-SNEs together so that they are comparable.

t-SNE is an approach to map high dimensional points to low dimensional points.  Basically, it computes the similarity between points in high dimension, using the notation:

P(i,j) is (something like) how similar point i is to point j in high dimensions --- (this is measured from the data), and

Q(i,j) is (something like) how similar point i is to point j in low dimension.

the Q(i,j) is defined based on where the 2-D points are mapped in the t-SNE plot, and the optimization finds 2-D points that makes Q and P as similar as possible.  Those points might be defined as (x(i), y(i)).

With "Yoked" t-SNE we have two versions of where the points go in high-dimesional space, so we have two sets of similarities.  So there is a P1(i,j) and a P2(i,j)

yoked t-SNE solves for points x1, y1 and x2,y2 so that the

  1. Q1 defined by the x1, y1 points is similar to P1, and the
  2. Q2 defined by the x2,y2 points are similar to P2 and the
  3. x1,y1 points are similar to x2,y2

by adding this last cost (weight by something) to the optimization.  If we have *many* high dimensional points sets (e.g. P1, P2, ... P7, for perhaps large versions of "7") what can we do?

Idea 1: exactly implement the above approach, with steps 1...7 talking about how each embedding should have Q similar to P, and have step 8 penalize all pairwise distances between the x,y embeddings for each point.

Idea 2: (my favorite?).  The idea of t-SNE is to find which points are similar in high-dimensions and embed those close by.  I wonder if we can find all pairs of points that are similar in *any* embedding.  So, from P1... P7, make Pmax, so that Pmax(i,j) is the most i,j are similar in any high-dimensional space.  Then solve for each other embedding so that it has to pay a penalty to be different from Pmax?  [I think this is not quite the correct idea yet, but something like this feels right.  Is "Pmin" the thing we should use?]


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