This week I focused on designing the backend for the dynamic web app I'm developing. In my design, I tried to focus on the bare-bones functionality that I need to get the basic prototype working. I have never done dynamic web development before, so I spent a fair amount of time reading and looking into tutorials.
I picked a flexible, open-source frontend template that I really like, so I decided to start from there to choose the frameworks/languages I'll work with: Javascript and .NET. I read several introductions to both to get some background, then some introductions to dynamic web dev (links posted soon).
After a fair amount of thought deliberation, and research into AWS' dynamic web development frameworks, here is the design I came up with for the dynamic backend:
explainED backend
I also redesigned the schema for the user database to make it as simple as possible.
My tasks for the upcoming week are as follows:
retrain the classifier and save the state_dict parameters
learn about AWS Cognito and how it functions
do some quick Javascript tutorials.
create a nodeJS docker container for the template
get the website template up and running locally
make HTML button and form for entering a URL for analysis.
I spent a lot of the past week hacking with containers, AWS, and database code, making things work.
After finally getting permission from AWS to spin EC2 instances with GPUs, I've been able to test the Docker container I made for the classifier and its dependencies, including the Flask server for URL classification. To do this, I created a Dockerfile that starts with an Ubuntu 16 image (with CUDA 10) that installs all the necessary dependencies for running the classifier. In AWS, I spun up an EC2 instance with a GPU where I ran an image of the container I made. The communication between that EC2 and the container works fine, as does the communication between the Flask server and the classifier, but I'm having an issue loading and using the model on the EC2's GPU.
I also refactored the Flask application code itself, modifying the format for HTTP calls and improving how the JSON objects were structured, along with cleaning up the classifier code base substantially. Another feature I added to the system is a super simple DynamoDB database to keep track of all of the URLs each container receives, their predicted label, and whether a human has labeled them. I used Python to write and test basic scripts to read, query, add to, and update the database.
Tasks for next week include successfully loading and running the classifier on AWS and forging ahead with developing the dynamic web server.
This week I worked on an odd combination of tasks aimed towards deploying EDanalysis: in-depth prototyping of the explainED web app I'm building and containerizing the classifier.
So, first, let's discuss paper prototyping the explainED app. Disclaimer: I don't know too much about UI/UX design, I'm not an artist, and I haven't taken a human-computer interaction class.
Here is an (extremely rough) digital mockup I made of the app a while ago:
In this iteration of my UX design, I focused on the key functionality I want the app to have: displaying pro-ED trends and statistics, a URL analyzer (backed by the classifier), pro-ED resources, and a patient profile tab. I sketched out different pages, interactions, and buttons to get a feel of what I need to design (process inspired by this Google video). I still have a ways to go (and a few more pages to sketch out) but at least I have a better idea of what I want to implement.
On a completely different note, I continued towards my long-term goal of getting EDanalysis on AWS.
I made a Docker container from a 64-bit ubuntu image with pre-installed CUDA by installing all the classifier/system dependencies from source. The benefit of containerizing our pytorch application is that we can parallelize the system by spinning multiple instances of the containers. Then, on AWS, we could use Amazon's Elastic Container Service and throw in a load balancer to manage requests to each container, and boom: high concurrency.
In the upcoming week, I plan to spend time implementing the end-to-end functionality of the system on AWS: sending data from the SEAS server to the S3 bucket and then communicating with the pytorch container and starting to design the dynamic backend of the explainED webapp.
My priority this week has been implementing the system architecture for my EDanalysis senior project/research on Amazon Web Services (AWS). First, I'll briefly introduce the project then dive into what I've been up to this week with AWS.
For this project, we trained an instance of the ResNet convolutional neural network to recognize pro-eating disorder images, with the aim of developing software tools (called EDanalysis) to improve eating disorder treatment and patient health outcomes. For more information, check out this video I made describing the project's vision, featuring a sneak peek of some of the software we're building!
This week, we had a 70% Project Demo for GW's CS Senior Design class (see more about the Senior Design aspects of my project here!). My 70% demo goals involved setting up my project on AWS, which is a first for me. My rationale for choosing AWS as a cloud service provider was simple: our project's goal is to publicly deploy the EDanalysis tools; hence, whatever system we make needs room to grow. To my knowledge, AWS offers unparalleled design flexibility--especially for machine learning systems--at web scale (wow, buzzword alert). Disclaimer: my current AWS system is optimized for cost-efficiency (for Senior design purposes ;-)), but I plan to someday use an AWS ECS instance and other beefier architectures/features.
The EDanalysis system has 3 main parts: the R&D server, the website architecture/ backend, and the frontend components, which I refer to as parts 1, 2, and 3 below.
EDanalysis AWS System
This week, I completed the following:
part 1: communication from the R&D server to the S3 bucket
part 2: communication from the R&D server to the S3 bucket triggers a lambda function that forwards the passed data to the EC2 instance
part 2: a modification of the classifier testing script to download a single image from an input URL, run it through the classifier, and return its classification
part 2: a proof-of-concept script for the pytorch EC2 instance that creates a Flask server that adheres to the REST API, communicates with the classifier and passes it an image url in JSON format, runs the classifier on that url, and passes back its classification to the server