This week I focused on designing the backend for the dynamic web app I'm developing. In my design, I tried to focus on the bare-bones functionality that I need to get the basic prototype working. I have never done dynamic web development before, so I spent a fair amount of time reading and looking into tutorials.
I picked a flexible, open-source frontend template that I really like, so I decided to start from there to choose the frameworks/languages I'll work with: Javascript and .NET. I read several introductions to both to get some background, then some introductions to dynamic web dev (links posted soon).
After a fair amount of thought deliberation, and research into AWS' dynamic web development frameworks, here is the design I came up with for the dynamic backend:
![explainED backend diagram](
I also redesigned the schema for the user database to make it as simple as possible.
My tasks for the upcoming week are as follows:
- retrain the classifier and save the state_dict parameters
- learn about AWS Cognito and how it functions
- do some quick Javascript tutorials.
- create a nodeJS docker container for the template
- get the website template up and running locally
- make HTML button and form for entering a URL for analysis.