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Ramping up the visualizations to find the source of error

Read ahead for a video! Game changer...

In my last post, I mentioned that my current error function and method of finding "lit" centroids was set up in a way that did not make the total error 0 when the camera and light locations were correct. This was due to the fact that I was finding centroids that were near the light, thus causing the error to never be 0. In an attempt to better understand if this kind of error was the cause of poor optimization results, I did the quick & dirty method of forcing the surface normals of centroids deemed to be "lit" to be such that those centroids would actually reflect rays from the camera directly to the light position instead of bouncing them to some area around the light position.

Forcing all "lit" centroids

The error in the dot product of the surface normals when the camera & light are int he correct locations is 0, which is what we want. Then, I fixed the light location at many different locations, and for each location, optimized for the camera location - the following movie shows a plot of the light/camera locations for each light location on a grid, colored by the final error achieved by the optimization function. This video demonstrates this:

light-camera-animation_forced (Converted)-2mpzu0k

For this I get the following results:

minimum error = 2.8328e-6
maximum error = 0.0072
best light location (min error) = [120, 30, 55]
best camera location (min error) = [95.5, 78.8, 110.5]

Trying to optimize for both using this method

If I just force these surface normals, and then try to optimize for both the camera & light, it finds both locations beautifully (as it should), with an error of 2.2204e-16, finding the locations to be:

light location = [115, 30, 57.499]
camera location = [100, 80, 110]

So, this tells us that there is a fundamental problem with the was we are defining what centroids are 'lit', a problem which can be I think avoided by looking at the image of the glitter taken when a point light source is shone on it. This way we can find the 'lit' pieces without defining such a threshold of 'angular difference in surface normals'. The down-side to this, we are getting closer and closer to our original method of optimization, and subsequently, calibration...

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