Teaching Assistant
Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics
University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Skopje, Macedonia

E-mail: dragan@eccf.ukim.edu.mk

During the 2002-2003 academic year, Dragan Tevdovski was a visiting research professor at the George Washington University, affiliated with the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning. His stay in the USA was supported by the Junior Faculty Development Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. His advisor at GWU was Professor George Jabbour, Department of Finance .

Since 2002 Dragan Tevdovski has been working as a Junior Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Economics of Sts. Cyril and Methodious University. Tevdovski taught statistics for business, statistical annalysis, econometrics and statistics in economics.



December 2002
Junior Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Economics, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodious.

June – December 2002
Export and Credit BAnk, Inc. Officer in the Financial Market Division, Skopje, Macedonia .


Postgraduate degree in statistical analysis, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.

1997 to 2002
Undergraduate degree in Economics, Skopje, Macedonia.


Advanced English. Diploma from the Center for Foreign Languages in Skopje, Macedonia. Advanced English courses in St. John’s School, England, and Euro Institute for Higher Education, Malta.

computer skills:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Internet
  • Corel Graphics and Quark X Press
  • Statistical software packages: SPSS, SAS and EduStat
  • Mathematical software package: Matlab
  • Financial software packages, Derivagem and Options
  • Software for bank to bank communication SWIFT


  • Safety first model applied to the stocks on the Macedonia Stock Exchange, Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics, No. 40. Skopje, 2005, pp. 426-439
  • Clustering the European countries according to their level of development. Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics, No. 39, Skopje, 2004, pp. 434-446.
  • Central limit theorems and their application in statistics, Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics, No. 38, Skopje, 2003, pp. 443-452.


  • Department of Statistics, Universitat fur Wirzchaft, Austria (November, 2004).
  • Department of Statistics and econometrics, Faculty of Business Administration, University St. Kliment Ohridkski, Sofia, Bulgaria (October, 2004).


  • E-commerce and e-government, Reykjavik, Iceland (June 8 – 16, 2005), sponsored by EFTA.
  • The communication situation as a pedagogical tool to teach management courses, Chisinau, Moldova (April 4 – 8, 2005), organized by South East European Network for Management Education.
  • Collaborative Project Global Competitiveness Program betweem Ohio University and Faculty of Economics (June 2003)
  • A number of seminars in higher education improvement in the Republic of Macedonia and implementation of European Credit Transfer System and Bologna Declaration.

Read Dragan Tevdoski’s resume