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The 6th Global Service-Learning Summit is November 3rd-5th at Clemson University in Clemson, SC. The topic: ‘One World: Inclusion and Transformation in Service-Learning'.  

The schedule for the summit has been announced and the plenary will be on ‘Asset-based Local Engagement and Inclusive Community-Building'. This panel will feature a panel of women who have been working to advance the inclusivity in Upstate South Carolina. To read the original post on the summit click here 

For more information on the summit and how to register click here
For more information on the panel click here  

The American Public Health Association Annual Meeting invites you to join this meeting in Philadelphia November 2nd-November 6th, 2019. APHA's Annual Meeting and Expo is the largest and most influential annual gathering of public health professionals. Nearly 13,000 attendees attend each year to present, learn and find inspiration. For more information on the event or to register click here.

Executive Director, Al Richmond will be presenting an Oral Presentation, Patient Engagement: Enhancing Culturally Appropriate Research (ECAR) on November 4th, 2019 from 10:30am – 12pm Eastern Time. For more information on his presentation click here.

Keep a lookout for more information about the Community Awards Reception and a CCPH Member Meet-Up during the conference coming soon!

The Journal is dedicated to providing undergraduate students a venue to discuss their service-learning projects and experiences.

 The Journal has been downloaded over 8470 downloads from 133 countries.  This is an exciting opportunity for your undergraduate students. 

 The Journal considers three types of articles: 

1. Articles that discuss the development of a service-learning project and the impact of the project on the community served;
2.  A case study of a service-learning project;
3. A reflection on service-learning and the development of personal  leadership.           

Each article will be reviewed by selected readers and the member of the editorial board.  Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced, excluding block quotations which should be typed single-spaced, and references.  To ensure anonymity, author’s names and affiliation should appear on a separate cover page.  Articles should not exceed 15 pages.  Authors should follow APA format. 

Submissions should be sent in Word format.  DO NOT HAVE HEADERS OR PAGE NUMBERING. 

 Submit by e-mail to: 

  • Ned Scott Laff, Ph.D.,  ned.laff@gmail                                
  • Jamie Opdyke, Community Director, University Housing, University of Oregon, 


The Elliot School of International Affairs will be hosting a book launch event in celebration of Reclaiming Patriotism, the newest book of Dr.Amitai Etioni, University Professor and Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies.  

The event will be on October 1st, from 12:30pm-2:30pm in the Lindner Family Commons (room 602) of the Elliot School of International Affairs (1957 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20052). The event is free, with books available to purchase and a light lunch provided.  

RSVP for the event here 

The upcoming 17th annual Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale on April 4-5, 2020. This is the world’s largest and leading global health conference as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference. The conference will take place at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Register during August for a highly reduced registration rate (50% lower than the regular rate).

Confirmed speakers to date: Learn from more than 200 speakers who are committed to effective, responsible programs in health, development, entrepreneurship, and education. See the confirmed 2020 conference speakers to date.

Call for Abstracts: Abstracts are currently being accepted for research presentations, program presentations, and for the social impact pitch presentations, including submissions for the $10,000 and $5,000 GHIC Innovation Prize. The first abstract deadline is August 31. For those submitting a research or program abstract, October 15th is the final deadline. 

Register for the Global Health & Innovation Conference
by August 31 for 50% off the registration rate 

Here is the Conference Schedule. 

Here is the Application to present. 

Here is more information about the Innovation Prize.

The Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Conference (SLCE) is a full-day opportunity to share success strategies among students, faculty, and staff at institutions throughout Maryland, D.C., and Delaware on the topics of community service, service-learning and civic engagement.

The 2019 Conference will be held on Saturday, November 16th, 2019 at the University of Maryland, College Park Adele H. Stamp Union.

For more information about submitting a proposal, please review the Call for Proposals.

Those interested in serving on the Conference Planning Committee, please fill out the Committee Member Application.

Follow the SLCE Conference on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated!

The Coalition for Community Writing is hosting its annual Conference on Community Writing this year on October 17-19 in Philadelphia.  The list of community writers and artists, scholars, teachers, change makers, and students this year includes keynote presentations by: Carmen Kynard, Paula Mathieu, and Michelle Ortiz .

The conference will include DeepThink Thanks on food an environmental justice, immigration, decolonizing education and racial justice, youth activism, and gentrification led by leaders in our field and communities.

Workshops on topics from writing in prisons and schools to cross community social entrepreneurship projects to contemplative activism and self care.

With writing as the connective thread, we partner higher education with community-based efforts to tackle some of the world's most challenging issues.

Check out the program and or register for the conference here.


The 6th Global Service-Learning Summit will focus on the topic ‘One World: Inclusion and Transformation in Global Service-Learning’. Those with an interest in such topics as migration and inclusion, ethical engagement in the field of global health, or how different organizations approach community-based learning, are invited to attend the summit.

The conference will take place on November 3rd-5th, 2019. It will be held at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. The fee is now $425, however there are scholarships available.

If you are interested in learning more, please do so here.



Please invite faculty colleagues and students (undergraduate or graduate) to submit a reflection essay. Winners receive $500 and free registration to the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) 2020 Annual conference, April 18-20, 2020. 
Submissions are due September 30, 2019. Additional information is available here.
Reflection essays should be under 1,000 words and address the meaning and lessons learned from global health experiences. They may be in a research, educational, clinical, or service capacity. Writing prompts and previously selected essays are provided.

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The University Writing Program will be giving out the Julian Clement Chase Prize, named after a D.C. area student who died while serving in Afghanistan and loved Washington, D.C. Submissions are due by May 20, 2019. Learn more here.


Through the generous support of the NASPA Foundation and their donors, NASPA is announcing a new scholarship for NASPA's professional development programs. The purpose of these scholarships is to provide access to professional development opportunities for individuals that might not otherwise have the financial means to participate. The professional development events available for this application cycle are the following:

· 2019 Assessment, Persistence, and Data Analytics Conference

· 2019 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting

· 2019 Closing the Achievement Gap Conference

· 2019 First-generation Student Success Conference

· 2019 Student Financial Wellness Conference

Complete applications will include:

· Online demographic information (which you can fill out here)

· Application Questions

· Current résumé or CV

· Completed Budget Template with necessary backup.

Recipients of the scholarships must produce pre-engagement and post-engagement blogs/essays/social media posts, as well as volunteer at least two hours during the selected conference. Specific engagement and volunteer activities will be confirmed with the selected recipients.

More information about this process can be found here. Apply here.

Each semester the Nashman Center hosts the Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship, an afternoon for students, faculty, and community partners to share and reflect upon their experiences. During the Showcase Session, student presentations describe the nature of their community engagement during the semester, in terms of:

  • the outcomes for the community,
  • the outcomes on their own learning and growth, and
  • what they believe the general public needs to know about the issue they addressed or the community they worked with.

To prepare a Showcase Session presentation, it is important to keep in mind a few key aspects of the context of this portion of the Symposium.

During this part of the Symposium, the audience flows through presentations much like an art gallery or research day poster session.

IMG_1984.jpegYou will not have a sit-down audience. People come and go. We advise you to carefully prepare a 1-2 minute “pitch” presentation, which you will give many times. The goal of this pitch is to make your audience want to stay longer to ask follow-up questions and hear more about your project. Spend some time thinking about how to summarize your experience, while highlighting the community impact, what you learned, and what you think it is important for the general public to know about the issues your project addressed.

Leverage visual aids to get audience attention and make your points memorable.


Students use posters, powerpoint slides, handouts, art, or other visual aids to be able to quickly and memorably make their points. In some cases, such as for engineering or interior design courses, students bring the actual product they designed for their community partner.

For students using slides on a laptop: photographs, maps, and graphs have greater impact than bullet points or text. You will need to bring your own laptop, and make sure its battery is fully charged.

Consider ways to engage the audience in active participation.


If your findings are surprising, ask your audience what they think or expect before revealing the results. Take a poll, indicating the results in real time using a poster with tally marks. If there is a way the general public can make a difference on the issue or with the community you worked with, provide information about that (what information can they share with their elected representatives? where can they go to do volunteer service?)

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The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is pleased to announce that proposals are now being accepted for the 2019 conference in Albuquerque, NM, USA. The conference will take place October 23-25, 2019. The theme of this year's conference is Celebrating the "I" in IARSLCE: Researching Engagement Across Borders.

For more information about the 2019 conference as it becomes available, to view the call, or to submit a proposal, please visit Proposals will be due on Friday, May 17, 2019.

Questions? Contact Tara Luparello at

Paper Proposals due May 15th!

IJRSLCE Editorial Board has released a request for manuscripts they are seeking submissions, conveying the extent of scholarship in the field of service-learning and community engagement that represent a range of methodologies.

Author Guidelines are presented on the IJRSLCE website. To submit a manuscript, you must register on the site. Papers are due May 15, 2019. For more details and information, please email Glenn Bowwn ( and Clayton Hurd (

Thursday and Friday, March 28th and 29th on the third floor of the Marvin Center is the fourth annual GW Chavez, Huerta, and Itliong Day, offering opportunities for faculty & students!

Chaves Huerta Itliong (CHI) day members are working diligently to raise awareness about Cesar Chaves, Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong, and the farmworkers movement at GWU - delving into the principals and influence of each person while advocating for the social justice issues that impact our society. If you would like to get involved email

Submit a photo of your work or a working concept to the exhibition in Marvin Center on March 28th - 29th. Your submission(s) will be displayed as a part of the annual celebration of CHI. For details, questions, and submissions, contact Katie Loos and Grace Fisher:

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