Within CCAS we value the research, artistic, and scholarly work of our faculty, staff, and students highly. We recognize that such impactful work requires support of all kinds in order to be successful. At this moment in time, a limited selection of CCAS intramural opportunities are available.
To facilitate this work we currently offer:
- Support for pre-tenure faculty travel administered via their home department
- Nick-of-Time Impact Microgrants
- CCAS Book Publishing Support
University-wide support opportunities can be found on the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) website.
We are working to reinstate prior funding opportunities and develop new ones, which can be supportive of faculty research, artistic, and scholarly activity while fitting within the fiscal constraints of the current budgetary environment. Updates on the available opportunities for intramural and extramural funding will be distributed via the CCAS Research Update.
Currently inactive, prior CCAS opportunities for support include:
- Columbian College Facilitating Fund
- Dean's Innovative Cross-disciplinary Excellence (DICE) Award
- Support for tenured and contract faculty travel administered via their home department
- Support for graduate student travel administered via their home department
- The CCAS Dean's Research Chair Competition
- Enhanced Travel Awards
- New: Impact Awards 2022
Previous CCAS Intramural Awards