Student Funding Opportunities Listed on InfoReady
Luther Rice Undergrad Fellowship
Deadline: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowships are part of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences comprehensive undergraduate initiative to promote discovery- and inquiry-based education throughout the undergraduate experience at GW. The Rice Fellowships offer support for student research carried out in collaboration with, and under the guidance of, at least one faculty mentor.
More info:
NSF Student Workshops
Center for Career Services, in cooperation with the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research, is offering one on November 7 (12:00 pm - 1:30 pm), to walk students through the NSF application process and to alert them to the variety of awards available. Please promote this offering broadly to undergraduate and graduate students.
Students can register on Handshake:
November 7:
Beinecke Scholarship Program
Deadline: November 15, 2019
Seeks applications from juniors who are majoring in humanities, social sciences, or creative arts and who are interested in pursuing research-focused graduate study in the humanities and social sciences (usually PhD programs) or original work in the creative and performing arts (often terminating in an MFA). GW can nominate one application per year.
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
GW Nomination Deadline: November 15, 2019
Seeks applications from sophomores and juniors majoring in math, computer science, natural sciences, and engineering, and applicants who are interested in pursuing research careers in the STEM disciplines. GW may nominate up to four applications per year.
More info:
Churchill Scholarship Program
Nomination Deadline: October 31, 2019
One of the more prestigious postgraduate awards for students in math, science, or engineering, and it supports students interested in pursuing a master's program at the University of Cambridge. Graduating seniors and those who have graduated within the past 12 months are eligible to apply. GW may nominate up to two applications per year.
More information is available at: