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WoWTALK VIII – Nov. 6, 2018

Date/Time: Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018 - 4:00pm-5:00pm

Location: Science & Engineering Hall, B1220


  • Sidney Fu, Medicine
    • MicroRNA Biomarkers in Cancer
  • Omur Ozel, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Optimizing Robustness of Flow Networks against Cascading Failures
  • Erik Rodriguez, Chemistry
    • Tools to Image Single Molecules to Human Disease

Opening remarks by CCAS Interim Dean Paul Wahlbeck

Video of presentations

(For Dr. Rodriguez's presentation, please contact him directly.)

The WOWTALK (What’s Our Work) Series brings together colleagues and students from disciplines associated with GW's Science and Engineering Hall—and related fields—to present new research and share ideas. These short talks (15-20 minutes each) are designed to introduce members of the GW community to current and exciting research projects undertaken in labs in the SEH, to initiate discussion, collaborate, share expertise, and to promote research performed in the SEH and GW.

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