Models for Uncovering Rules and Unexpected Phenomena in Biological Systems (MODULUS)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS), in collaboration with the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB), seeks to promote interdisciplinary research that enables novel mathematical and computational approaches that capture and explore the full range of mechanisms and biological variability needed to better understand biological systems behavior across multiple scales. Proposals in response to this DCL should be submitted to either DMS via the Mathematical Biology Program Description or the MCB solicitation, NSF 18-585, directed to the Systems and Synthetic Biology program (8011). The proposal title should be prefaced with "MODULUS:". The MCB solicitation accepts proposals to core programs or to a Rules of Life (RoL) track. Submission to either track is permissible given that the guidance as detailed in the solicitation (NSF 18-585) for each is followed. For proposals submitted to MCB and targeted for the RoL track, a second program in another BIO Division must also be identified. Neither Division puts limits on proposal budgets and expects budgets to be appropriate for the scope of the project proposed.
For more information, check the Dear Colleague Letter at: