A Panel at the International Society for the Systems Sciences
Berlin, Germany
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Morning Keynotes:
Ambiguity is Real: Climate Change as a Subject of Second Order Science (Video1) (Video2) (Video3)
Michael Lissack
Second-Order Science The Revolution of Scientific Structures (Slides)
Karl Mueller
A Global Strategy for Human Development as an Example of Second Order Science (Slides)
Umpleby, Stuart
Afternoon Panel 1
Designing Scientific Research into Design Team Dynamics
Thomas Fischer
Dancing with Ambiguity (Video1) (Video2) (Video3)
Pille Bunnell
The Fine Art of Goal Formulation: A Model of Naturalistic Theatre as Second Order Behavioral Science
Tom Scholte
Psychohistory with a Human Face: Bringing Freud and Piaget into the 21st Century
Robert Kalechofsky
Afternoon Panel 2
Global Systems Modelling and the Club of Rome: History and Prognosis
Robert Hoffman
Reflection in Action on Second Order Science
Raman Kumar Agrawalla
Management as Evolutionary Epistemology: A Machian Genetic Critical Perspective as Basis for a Second Order Science
Carl Henning Reschke
In order to Create a Better, Wiser World we need a Revolution in Academic Inquiry (Slides)
Nicholas Maxwell