Sidita Dibra

University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics
Department of Management
Tirana, Albania

Home telephone : (355-68) 40 182 65

During the 2007-2008 academic year Sidita Dibra was a visiting research scholar at The George Washington University, affiliated with the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning. Her stay in the USA was supported by the Junior Faculty Development Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Her adviser at The George Washington University was Professor Elizabeth Davis.

Sidita attended five courses, most of them in Human Resources Management, her field of interest: (BADM 130) Human Resources Management; (BADM 066) Organizational Behavior; (ORSC 248) Strategic HR Planning; (ORSC 214) Personnel Training & Performance Appraisal; (HOL 287) Strategic Human Performance Process. During her stay at GWU, Sidita joined the Women’s Leadership Institute and was involved in activities such as preparing a re-chartering document.

Sidita made two presentations at GWU. The first, titled “How the Myers-Briggs test could be a tool in HRM practice,” took place on February 12, 2008, in the Strategic Systems Thinking in Organizations (ORSC 109) class”. During the second presentation on March 11, 2008, in the Research Discussion Series, Sidita shared her dissertation idea on “Challenges of the Vocational Education and Training System in Albania,” in front of a panel of students and professors in the O/I Psychology Department.

She was also invited to give a lecture in the Personnel Training & Performance Appraisal course. In this lecture she described the Albanian experience in the field of employee training.

During the period 14 to 17 May 2008, Sidita participated in the conference of the Eastern Academy of Management. She was part of the organizing committee which involved faculty members from 3 schools inside GWU and 3 other universities.

Sidita, was also an intern at the Arlington Career Center, VA. The time spent at this center helped her with dissertation research and gave her the possibility to identify the best practices in the vocational education and training system in the USA. She plans to apply this knowledge in her home country.

Sidita Dibra’s CV

Visiting Scholars [back]