Roman Cheskidov

Institute of Economics

Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science

46, 58 Sverdlova Street,

Yekaterinburg, Russia, 620027

Phone/ fax: +7 343 3531350

Roman Cheskidov was a visiting scholar from Russia during the 2004-2005 academic year at The George Washington University, Washington DC. His visit to the USA was sponsored by the Junior Faculty Development Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. His academic advisor was Joel Cook, a professor in the Strategic Management Department of the School of Business at GWU.

Roman Cheskidov is an associate professor at the Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science, in Ekaterinburg, Russia. At the Institute of Economics he teaches courses on Microeconomics and Performance management.

After a career in the banking industry, he had several appointments as an executive manager of private industrial companies. From 2001-2003 he managed the manufacturing company “Uralkriotechnika”, which had $4.5 million in assets and 310 employees. Roman Cheskidov introduced a system of performance appraisal, implemented a new compensation system and applied different forms of participatory planning. As a result, he raised the value of the business by 225% in 2002 and by 85% in 2003.

Current areas of interest:

1. A research project entitled “Constructing management patterns for business growth”.

2. Decision-making techniques for tasks with multiple alternatives, complex objectives and countable and non-countable variables. This work involves the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Some examples of this work include:

 * Budget year decisions, resource
* Strategic planning decisions,
* Marketing decisions,
* Site selection for new building or
* Risk assessment,
* Human resource management.
3. Regional/international marketing planning.
This includes Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and differences of viewpoints among rating agencies, investment bankers, and international corporations.

Pictures of Roman Cheskidov

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