Oleksiy Gorovyy

National Transport University
Institute of pre-University Training and International Cooperation
Department of Applied Mathematics
Kyiv, Ukraine

e-mail: gorovyy@gmail.com


From September 2006 till March 2007 Oleksiy Gorovyy was a visiting Fulbright scholar at The George Washington University, affiliated with the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning (School of Business, Department of Management).  His stay in the USA was supported by the Fulbright Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.  Stuart A. Umpleby, Professor in the Department of Management and Director of the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning in the School of Business at The George Washington University, was his mentor during his stay in the USA.

Oleksiy Gorovyy is deputy director of the Institute of pre-University Training and International Cooperation at the National Transport University in Kyiv, Ukraine.  He is responsible for development and realization of international and national projects in the sphere of higher education.  He also teaches courses in advanced mathematics in the Department of Applied Mathematics at theNational Transport University.

December 1998 – December 2001.  Doctoral studies in Fluid Mechanics at the Institute of Hydromechanics of theNational Academy of Science of Ukraine in Kyiv.  Specialization: “Mechanics of fluid, gas and plasma”.  He graduated with the degree: Kandidat of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.  The title of his dissertation was, “Stokes flow around a system of rectangular plates.”
September 1992-June 1997: Undergraduate studies in Mechanics (major) and Applied Mathematics (minor) at Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Research Fields
Applied Mathematics
statistical methods in economics and management, mathematical economics, econometrics
Fluid Mechanics
numerical methods in fluid mechanics, investigation of creeping flows.
Management in Higher Education
quality management and leadership in education, policy in higher education, innovative teaching methods