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The Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) invites you to join our Research and Evidence webinar series. This webinar series is one of many ways ORE is sharing current research on civic engagement, volunteering, and national service.

This month’s topic is:

Participatory Health Research: Challenges and Approaches

Date and Time: Wednesday, Apr. 8, from 2-3:00 p.m. ET

...continue reading "Webinar on Participatory Health Research: Corporation for National and Community Service"

Remote Service
Log on to for virtual service opportunities click the "get involved" tab


Students and faculty members can search hundreds of opportunities to serve virtually and log their hours on 

Many students are asking "how can I help from where I am" and some student organizations and students in community engaged scholarship courses have direct service partnerships with organizations that are closed for the foreseeable future. The GWServes platform offers ways to still serve and meet needs virtually while tracking hours on their platform as you normally would.

Step 1. Log on to and click "get involved"

Remote Service
Log on to for virtual service opportunities

Step 2. Set your search parameters so you see virtual opportunities nationwide by clicking on gwserves and then un-clicking the box and clicking apply so you can see all opportunities.

On the gwserves tab un-click the box and click "apply" to see all opportunities

Step 3. Clear your location search parameters by clicking on your zip code, clear, then apply to get the maximum amount of results.

Click clear to remove your zip code and then click apply

Step 4. Click the virtual/remote button so you only see virtual service opportunities.  Click groups or events to virtually serve at an event or with a group

Click virtual/remote so you only see those opportunities. You can click groups or events to virtually serve at an event or with a group

Step 5. Add your impact hours as you normally would to share with your Community Engaged Course, School or student organization.

Have a story about your virtual service? Share it with us!

Unfortunately, the GW Research Showcase event has been cancelled for this year. However, the Nashman Prize for Community-Based Participatory Research will still be awarded. Students who have already submitted abstracts for this prize will be notified by the end of this week if they have been selected for consideration. Students under consideration for the prize will be invited to present at the Virtual Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship (see above) at the end of the semester. Judging for the prize will occur the week of April 27th. Please let me know if you are interested in serving as a judge.

The Perfect Opportunity for K-16     Educators and School Teams

 2020 Summer EAST and Summer WEST Institutes 

...continue reading "Opportunity to connect Place Based Service-Learning and Sustainability to Your Curriculum"

Dr. Jameta Nicole Barlow, Community Health Psychologist, Assistant Professor of Writing, and Affiliate Faculty Member of the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health, integrates transdisciplinary collaboration with intersectional frameworks to address current social, cultural, and health injustices. Dr. Barlow’s “most recent work, the Saving Our Sisters Project, is focused on Black women's mental health and well-being, employing writing and the personal narrative” (Barlow). Click here to visit Dr. Barlow’s website.   ...continue reading "Community Engaged Faculty, Dr. Jameta Nicole Barlow"

GW Research Showcase: 
A University-wide Celebration of Research, Scholarship and Creativity 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 

FINAL Call for Abstracts  ...continue reading "GW Research Showcase, Final Call for Abstracts"

Dr. James Peterson, Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, advances analysis that integrates public health research and local communities. Dr. Peterson previously served as the Community Research Coordinator for District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) and currently serves as the Community Activities Coordinator for the DC Cohort Project, a city-wide HIV clinical research effort among 15 HIV care sites in the District of Columbia. For more information about DC CFAR, please click here. For more information about the DC Cohort Project, please click here.  ...continue reading "Community Engaged Faculty, Dr. James Peterson"

Dr. Greg Squires, a Professor of Sociology and of Public Policy and Public Administration, centers his current research on housing discrimination, the continuing consequences of the foreclosure crisis, applied and community-based research, and gentrification and uneven metropolitan development. To view Dr. Squires' work, please click here. ...continue reading "Community Engaged Faculty, Dr. Greg Squires"

Dr. Tara Scully, Director of the Sustainability Minor and Assistant Professor of Biology, continues to inspire non-science and science majors with her introductory biology and sustainability courses. ...continue reading "Community Engaged Faculty, Dr. Tara Scully"

The February 7th Conversation on Community Engaged Scholarship focused on facilitating a deeper reflection.  

Dr. Wendy Wagner, the Nashman Center's Director of Community Engaged Scholarship (CES), facilitated a discussion that focused on how community engaged scholarship courses can include more of the pathways of service, ways to weave critical reflection from service into class discussions (and vice versa), and resources to help facilitate deeper critical reflections about service. 

...continue reading "Conversations Series: Facilitating Deeper Reflection"

This year's Engagement Scholarship Consortium annual conference will be nearby in Philadelphia, September 13-14, 2020. As a pre-conference event, the Consortium will be hosting a one-day intensive professional development program for early career faculty  on community engagement. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2020.

If you have an interest in attending, please contact Wendy Wagner, to discuss potential financial support from the Nashman Center.

The AIM Health Institute, the GW Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, and LabX of the National Academy of Sciences present a Healing Education Arts and Advocacy Round Table.

These roundtables are a discussion at the intersection of medicine, the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. The topic will be: the effects of cannabis on society.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 6:30-8:30pm
GW Hospital

Tickets are free:


The draft reports recommending a strategic plan to guide GW for the next five years are now available on line for questions, concerns, and suggestions. While the site is open for feedback anytime during the spring semester, Provost Blake urges review by March 6th, which will give the four committees time to consider all feedback before finalizing their recommendations in May for the Board of Trustees.

Explicit support for Community Engaged Scholarship is relevant for all four committees: high-impact research, high quality undergraduate experience, attracting and retaining world-class faculty, and a distinguished and distinctive graduate education.

While the Nashman Center and several Nashman Faculty Affiliates have submitted feedback on the draft reports, it is important that these committees realize how many GW faculty consider community engagement a valuable aspect of their research, teaching, and other scholarly work. Please take a moment to share your perspective.


To view the Nashman white paper on "Recognizing, Incentivizing, and Rewarding Community-Engaged Scholarship" submitted to the High-Impact Research faculty committee, link here:


Dr. Leah Brooks, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Affairs, centers her research on the formation of urban spaces, the continuation of urban development, the health of urban communities, and how governmental change affects urban areas. Areas of Dr. Brooks' expertise include, but are not limited to Public Economics, Urban Economics, and Political Economy.  

...continue reading "Community Engaged Faculty, Dr. Leah Brooks"

Dr. Lotrecchiano, Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership and of Pediatrics, conducts research that strengthens community building through interdisciplinary collaboration.  

...continue reading "Community Engaged Faculty, Dr. Lotrecchiano"