Riddle of the Day 4/2


My beard is powerful.

I shave every day,

But it remains unchanged.

What am I?

As always, tokens will be awarded to the first correct answer and the most creative incorrect one.


The first correct answer to yesterday’s riddle (what room in a home do ghosts avoid?) was snagged by Sydni Nadler (the living room), and there were some excellent contenders for most creative incorrect one! But we’re going with Bri Mirabile’s “the chapel I’ve had to make in my house since mass is online now.” Congratulations to you both!

Riddle of the Day 3/31


What’s the coolest letter in the alphabet?

As always, tokens are awarded to the first “correct” answer (i.e. the one we’re looking for) and the most creative incorrect answer.


Cindy Y. once again taking it home with the first correct answer: “Greece is at the bottom,” and Jared Bulla once again wins the best incorrect answer with his anti-colonial “it sizzled over the top and got all over the dang world…they should have used a lid” (paraphrase). Congratulations to the both of you!

Contest of the Week 3/30

Welcome, dear UHPers, to our second contest of the week! This week’s contest will be a UHP mascot design contest. We do not currently have an official mascot as a program, but we’d love to see what you can come up with!

Submission guidelines:

The only thing you need to submit to be considered for the contest is a mascot concept, but you’ll get extra points for submitting an example, and enormous extra points for designing/drawing an example yourself. If you have questions, comment below or email us at uhp@gwu.edu! Submit here: forms.gle/6ALDhjLb5tKouw6w6

As for last week’s contest, the winner is HANNAH DELVECCHIO with the following townhouse token-based meme:

Congrats Hannah! You have indeed encountered the prize you are looking for.

Riddle of the Day 3/26


You have me today,
Tomorrow you’ll have more;
As your time passes,
I’m not easy to store;
I don’t take up space,
But I’m only in one place;
I am what you saw,
But not what you see.
What am I?

As always, the first correct and the most creative incorrect answers will receive a Townhouse Token. Answer below or on Facebook!


Bridget Carl won with the first posting of the correct answer: footsteps! Our most creative incorrect answer? Laxatives, from Clarissa Boyd.

DTP Weekly Contest 1: Virtual Learning Memes!

We’ve got our first weekly contest here at the plate. UHPers, the subject of this contest is:

Memes! About virtual learning, quarantine, and college life during a time like this. That is your assignment.

And I will say: we are looking for *original content* here. This is not a contest to find the best scraps from the meme page, no–this is a challenge to all of your creativities.

To submit, you can comment on the Facebook Post for this contest (forthcoming), email the UHP (uhp@gwu.edu), or DM it to us on Instagram (@theuhp). Meme away, dear ones. I’m excited to see what you bring to the table! And remember, if you win, you will get a Townhouse Token!

Win $500 with the SURE Award

Did you know that Honors students have the opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? Apply here for the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement (SURE) Award for your chance.

“Undergraduate Research Enhancement” may not sound the most exciting (well, to most people at least, but you are UHPers), but the funds can contribute to incredible research. Previous SURE Award winners used their winnings to conduct 3D scanning of bones at the Smithsonian, study lasers and present their findings at a national conference, and research the influence of sports rhetoric on political campaigns,

The application, due Friday February 7th, includes:

  1. Student Application Form
  2. Faculty Statement of Support
  3. Unofficial GW Transcript

Please note that the UHP SURE award is different from the university-wide one. There is a SURE Research award that is available to all students, but this one is a specific fund that is set aside for UHP students. Make sure you take advantage of the opportunity!

Good Luck!

If you have any questions, reach out to Brianna at bcrayton@gwu.edu.

2020 Strasser Writing Prize

The UHP is now accepting your entries for the 2020 Strasser Writing Prize!

The Strasser prize awards a grand prize of $100 and two runner-ups of $50 to the best papers written in any Honors course over the past year. You can only enter one paper, so make sure it’s your best!

Submit your entry here after reading the full rules.  Please remember to remove your name from all pages of the paper. The file title must be “LastName_FirstName.” (.doc or .docx only.)

This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, February 7th, 2020 by 5:00 PM.

The paper is already written!  All you have to do is submit it!

Congrats to our SURE Award Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the UHP SURE Award for spring 2019! Students who win the Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award use the funds to further their own research under faculty supervision.
These UHPers will be sharing more about their research experiences soon, so keep an eye out to learn more about their work! Snaps for Kelsie Ehalt, Claire Houchen, Mark McKibbin, and Rachel Orey from everyone at the UHP!

Kelsie will investigate how class affected the ritual practices of exorcism and look into archaeological records for more concrete information about Iron Age social structures. She also hopes to create a connection between the ancient Mesopotamian conception of exorcism and later practices, from early Jewish tradition, to Medieval demonology, to the modern portrayals in films.
Since summer 2017, Claire has been working in the lab of Dr. Colin Young at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, studying obesity and metabolic syndrome, with a brain-centric approach. Dr. Young’s lab has shown that “stressing” a certain region of the brain causes fatty liver disease in non-obese mice. This suggests that fatty liver disease may originate not in the liver but in the brain. This led to her current project, which focuses on female mice and fatty liver disease. The working hypothesis is that pre-menopausal female mice (and humans) are protected from fatty liver disease due to the role of estrogen in fat digestion (estrogen is primarily produced in the ovaries). Claire will use her SURE Award funds to present her work at the April 2019 Experimental Biology Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Mark’s research project looks at whether individuals are more likely to vote in elections when they believe their vote “matters.” A key part of political science is figuring out why people decide to vote, and what motivates people to vote. To date, research showing increased turnout associated with the idea that one’s vote “matters” has mainly focused on how the closeness of the race increases turnout. He’ll explore whether people are more likely to vote when they believe the person they vote for will actually be able to make an impact on political decisions that affect their lives. 
Rachel’s research will focus on identifying the key factors that ameliorated the success of select smart cities in India, particularly focusing on how some city governments were able to overcome the barriers posed by weak institutions. Additionally, she will analyze cities that have been less successful in implementing the Smart Cities Mission to develop a more detailed understanding of what specific factors (beyond mere institutional weakness) inhibit comprehensive urban reform.

Get Published in Scribendi Literature & Arts Magazine

Looking for your opportunity to be immortalized in print? Submit your creative work to Scribendi Magazine! Scribendi Literature and Arts Magazine is a nonprofit, annual print publication that publishes creative work from undergraduate Honors students from around 900 institutions.
Students are invited to submit poetry, creative nonfiction, short fiction, foreign language, visual art, photography, and open media (creative works not easily defined such as film, music, architecture, fashion, graffiti, and art).

The deadline for next year’s publication is October 5th at 11:59PM. Get submitting here!

Win $500 with the SURE Award, Deadline 10/5

Did you know that Honors students have the opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? Apply for the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement (SURE) Award for your chance.
“Undergraduate Research Enhancement” may not sound the most exciting (well, to most people at least, but you are UHPers), but the funds can contribute to incredible research. Last year’s SURE Award winners used their winnings to study lasers and present their findings at a national conference and to research the influence of sports rhetoric on political campaigns. 
The application, which CLOSES 10/5, includes:

  1. Student Application Form
  2. Faculty Statement of Support
  3. Unofficial GW Transcript

Good Luck!
If you have any questions, reach out to Ben at benfaulkner@gwu.edu.