Riddle of the Day 4/10


I go around in circles,
but always straight ahead.
I never complain,
no matter where I am led.
What am I?


Yesterday’s riddle was:

I cannot speak.
But when spoken to,
I always reply.
What am I?

And our first correct answer was from (yet again) Cindy Y. with echo! The second goes to Sydni Nadler with “Me in origins having no idea what Plato is talking about but Dr. Ralkowski asks me a question anyways.” Congratulations to you both!

5 thoughts on “Riddle of the Day 4/10

  1. Bri Mirabile

    a wheel

  2. Jared

    time on an analog clock

  3. Cindy Y.

    The economy (after all, it’s a cycle of booms and busts!)

  4. Claire Shelby

    A planet traveling in a straight line and only orbiting a star due to the curvature of space time. (Thanks Dr Kung!)

  5. Clarissa

    The argumentation in essays I start writing 3 hours before the deadline in an exhausted stupor

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