Weekly Contest 9/22: From Tea into Beauty

Hello UHPers! Last week I told you all to write your name as large as possible using only household objects. And you did! The largest name was written by Parker Blackwell– you can see hers below:

Image of the name Parker written out in household objects.

And there it is. Now for THIS WEEK’s CONTEST:

Make something beautiful out of a teabag. Take a picture and send it to us according to the guidelines below. The person who submits the most beautiful teabag will win a townhouse token!

Submission guidelines:

  1. The contests will be posted on Tuesdays every week (alongside the NewsFlash).
  2. The winner(s) will receive a townhouse token, and will be announced alongside the contest announcement.
  3. Submissions will be due by 12PM ET on the following Monday.
  4. Most submissions will require an image or a video– for these contests, you can submit them via email to uhp@gwu.edu, via Direct Message to the UHP Instagram, or to Joshua Mays via Microsoft Teams Direct Message.