
Hao lab’s first research manuscript is published in Analytical Chemistry! Congrats to the first author Ashley (2nd year PhD) and all other coauthors!

Frankenfield, Ashley M., Michael S. Fernandopulle, Saadia Hasan, Michael E. Ward, and Ling Hao. “Development and Comparative Evaluation of Endolysosomal Proximity Labeling-based Proteomic Methods in Human iPSC-derived Neurons.” 2020, Analytical Chemistry.

Dr. Hao received the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award as one of 35 awardees from 127 ORAU member institutions nationwide!

This annal competitive research award from ORAU (Oak Ridge Associated Universities) is made to provide funds to enrich the research and professional growth of young faculties in the first two years of a tenure track position in any of five science and technology disciplines: engineering or applied science; life sciences; mathematics and computer science; physical sciences; and policy, management or education.

Ashley won the Keystone Symposia Student Scholarship and gave a short talk at the Keystone Meeting on Proteomics in Cell Biology and Disease!

Ashley Frankenfield, 2nd year PhD student, won the Keystone Student Scholarship and was selected to give a short talk titled “A Specific and Sensitive Proximity-labeling Proteomics Approach for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions of the Lysosome Membrane” at the virtual Keystone Conference. Well done Ashley!