Category: Conference
Hao Lab members attended the 2023 ASMS conference in Houston with 5 posters and 1 talk.
Hao Lab members attended the 70th ASMS Conference in Minneapolis!
Four Poster presentations from the Hao Lab at ASMS 2022, presented by Ashley Frankenfield (3rd year PhD), Haorong Li (2nd year PhD), Jiawei Ni (1st year PhD), and Mustafa Ahmed (undergraduate).
Hao Lab members attended the first in-person conference, the 69th ASMS Conference in Philadelphia!
Haorong (2nd year PhD) and Ashley (3rd year PhD) presented posters for their research, and Dr. Hao chaired the Oral Session for Single Cell Omics at the 69th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Annual Conference.
Hao Lab members presented at the virtual US HUPO (Human Proteome Organization) Annual Conference
Ashley and Haorong (2nd year PhD students) attended half-day proteomics workshop to get additional training on protein-protein interaction and chemical cross-linking at US HUPO. Ashley gave a lightening talk and presented her poster on Tuesday, titled:” Proteomic Evaluation of the Dynamic Protein Turnover in Human iPSC-derived Neurons“. Haorong presented his poster on Tuesday, titled “MS-based Proteomics and Metabolomics of MELAS Syndrome“.
Dr. Hao chaired the Parallel Session, Omics of the Central Nervous System, on Monday and gave a talk on Friday titled: “Cleavable Biotin-Enabled Proximity Labeling Proteomics” at the New Strategy of Interactomics in Structural Biology session.
Ashley won the Keystone Symposia Student Scholarship and gave a short talk at the Keystone Meeting on Proteomics in Cell Biology and Disease!

Ashley Frankenfield, 2nd year PhD student, won the Keystone Student Scholarship and was selected to give a short talk titled “A Specific and Sensitive Proximity-labeling Proteomics Approach for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions of the Lysosome Membrane” at the virtual Keystone Conference. Well done Ashley!
Two poster abstracts from the Hao Lab accepted by the 2020 ASMS conference!
“Improving Proximity-labeling Proteomics Approach to Study Protein-protein Interactions”
“Development of lysosomal membrane and membrane-binding proteomic strategies both in vitro and in vivo”