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By Raman Mama

One of the many reasons I’ve heard that prevents people from studying abroad during the second semester is that they want to be able to find an internship for the summer.

Though this is an extremely stressful thing to have to consider while you’re abroad, it was actually easier in my experience.

There are many companies that are seeking international students for the summer and also pay well. It’s just a matter of being able to seek out the opportunities and making something out of them.

Staying abroad to intern can make you a much more attractive candidate for work, and though it’s daunting to many, it can have great payoffs. Not many people have international work experience, so being a candidate with such can make you more qualified and attractive.

In Europe, there is a growing community of startups, think tanks and small businesses that need people like us to work for them.

I was fortunate enough to find an internship in Amsterdam at a marketing startup. Additionally, there are several grants that our university offers that can help if your internship is unpaid.

Be sure to take a look at visa requirements, as there are many places that don’t require a visa, or can help you attain one fairly easily.


By Raman Mama

Let me paraphrase this by saying I’ve loved my time at King’s College. I’ve met amazing people and I’ve learned things that I never would have been able to in other places. The community is great, and the social life is amazing.


There’s one thing that they don’t tell you when you come to study at King’s which is that during April, EVERYONE leaves for Easter break, and they don’t usually come back until May.

This means that you’ll be left with nothing to do, as all of your friends from earlier in the semester have gone home or are traveling.

The best way to deal with this is to make sure you have plans during April to stay busy. The tedium of being alone for a month abroad can be fairly frustrating.

Some things I suggest are traveling to another country, as trips on Ryanair are exceedingly cheap.

Or, you could use that time to study for your exams in May, which are faster approaching than you would expect.

I filled this time with lots of bike rides, studying, time at the comedy club, and the gym. Though I missed my friends, I learned a lot about myself.

Though people are starting to trickle back into the accommodations, make sure that you have something to do during April

By Raman Mama

When being abroad, one of the biggest challenges is that you’re expected to be much more social than you would typically be.

The challenge of this is that if you are someone who typically treasures quiet and isolation or exploring alone, you may find it difficult to maintain these conditions abroad.

When you’re abroad, people love to ask you questions about where you’re from and what it’s like over there, so that they might hear the stories of your culture and be entranced by things that they did not know existed.

This is tough for some people and may be overwhelming. If you’re someone who likes to be on the outskirts and not the center of attention, there will be constant external stimuli begging you to engage with the world. This can be a challenge for many. However, the benefit in this is that it teaches you important diplomatic skills such as reaching across cultural lines to get to know people, and teach them about your culture.

The piece of advice I can give is that people should look to establish a social circle where they feel comfortable and understood, and can interact at a comfortable pace. Having this type of group will allow you to feellike you’re meeting people at a more comfortable pace and not interacting with the culture so rapidly and with no guidelines.

This is especially important with countries where the culture is not specifically western or English speaking. I experienced this in China. If you can’t find a person or group of friends from that country, then meet people who are from your own country or a similar one that understand it well and are willing to be your second set of eyes in a sense.

By Raman Mama

As I've traveled all over the world, one of the things I've learned is that the best way to learn about the culture where you live is to examine the art, whether it's theatre, comedy, or music.

One of the most interesting and exciting aspects of the UK scene I've learned about has been the grime culture, which is a form of rap.

It's cool to see that grime is so big, because rap is a form of art that emerged in the United States, but has spread rapidly. Individuals in the UK have embraced it, and they even are beginning to sound a bit American, but clearly have shifted the genre in their own way, which I find fascinating.

Rap is mainly a way that black individuals were able to cope with the struggles of violence and poverty which have suffocating effects in inner cities. In the UK, rap has served a nearly identical purpose, and the rappers here are rapping about nearly the same things that Americans do.

...continue reading "The UK’s emerging rap scene"

By Raman Mama

I'm a little more than halfway through my semester in London, and one of the things I have to admit has had a large impact on my time in the city has been the weather.

I'm not an individual who pays particularly close attention to the weather. I've always been under the impression that it's something I can't control, so why pay close attention to it? If it snows it snows, if it rains, it rains.

However, upon spending a couple months in London, I've come to understand how big of an impact the weather can have on your ability to get out and do stuff. London is notoriously rainy and grey. The people are warm, but the forecast usually means you're stuck inside. I love being able to get outside and see the world, which is something I've been used to in every single place I've gone to.

London is much further North than the US, so it gets extremely cold at times, additionally, it has just as long (if not longer) than some winters in the US.

Though being in London with such temperamental weather has been difficult at times, it's taught me to find other things to do to make use of time when I can't get outside, and enjoy the warm days. Who knew that being cold would make me more adaptable.

By Raman Mama

One of the most important parts of my abroad experience has been my growth with the art form of comedy. When I went to Shanghai last year, I began to perform. I took it with me to New York, and spent time on stages there, and even did some time in Washington.

However, the most interesting scene for me in comedy has been the London one. Here, I’ve done around 15 shows, each of which has taught me about the form, and made me a better comedian. I’ve performed in some pretty big clubs such as the Rising Star Comedy night in Holborn, and the Cavendish arms, which hosts a very popular evening. Before I leave, I’ll be taking the stage at the Top Secret Comedy Club in central London.

I’ve loved performing here, and it’s taught me a lot about how people view certain material. Whenever I tried to tell a joke about a more serious American topic like police brutality or gun violence, the crowd would listen, but it wouldn’t be something that they found funny because the topic is foreign as well as sensitive. However, here, I’ve done well talking about my experiences growing up as an African American, as well as reflections on other less tragic parts of American culture.

People here love learning about cultures that they don't interact with everyday, which is a large reason I feel like I've done okay here.

The comedy circuit here is interconnected. People love to help each other out, and will give a hand as often as they can. This has taught me about helping your fellow creative, and how the global community of artists is a very unique one.

Some of the best performers I know in London have been all over the world, but still have close ties to the city which they love so dearly. I’m glad to have been able to play a small part in this cities comedy circuit.

By Raman Mama

One of the best parts of being in a European location during your study abroad is that you have the opportunity to see other primary cities in Europe.

My first stop in London was to Berlin - Germany's Capitol.

Getting to Berlin was relatively easy. I booked my flights through a website called Ryan Air, which is a premier option for students looking to travel on the cheap. The flights were about 50 pounds of 60 dollars all together. Then, I booked my hostel for about 15 dollars a night. Altogether, I was able to book flights and accommodations for less than 100 dollars, which is a pretty great deal.

When I was in Berlin, the weather was not great, but that didn't stop me from seeing all that I could..

I went to the Berlin Wall, Berlinische Galeria, and a very popular bookstore called "Another Country" where they host film clubs and dinners. I loved the bookstore because it was founded by a woman from London who one day, decided to open a store so she could share her collection with other people. I grabbed two new reads for myself.

...continue reading "Travelling in Europe – Berlin Edition"

By Raman Mama

Studying abroad in London has been quite a different academic experience. In the United States, courses have assignments that are due within two classes, and require your attendance. However, in London, there are rarely any assignments apart from a midterm and a final exam, or a paper rather than a midterm. As a result, classes in London require less attendance, and it’s not rare to see that students don’t usually attend. My experience has been that as a result, students focus more on studying the material outside of lecture sessions rather than attending them and taking notes.

This is similar to what I experienced in China as well. It seems that American schools are the only institutions that require such frequent attendance.

In my opinion, this suggests that European student are expected to be more independent learners. Rather than having constant gauge of what their grades are, and memorizing material, Europeans actually have to work to maintain a working knowledge of their academics, since they have fewer opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge.

Another major difference is that college in the UK lasts three years, rather than four. As a result, students here must have a very good idea of what it is they want to study. If a student here decides that they want to change their discipline, then they must start over, and do three more years. In America, school is four years, and costs much more. Most universities in the UK are about 7K, and loan repayment is very lax.

...continue reading "Academic Culture in London"

By Raman Mama

Looking back at the first week in your host country, what has happened, what are some of the challenges you faced have you overcome them, if so how? What things you are looking most forward to when you return to GW?

Looking back at my first week in London, it’s insane to believe that I’ve been here for two months. I think that I’ve grown a lot and seen a lot in the time that I have been here as a result of the challenges I’ve faced.

One of the immediate problems I faced was that my dorm was way too far outside of the city. I lived in a location called Stratford One, which was one the edge of central London, at the very last stop on the Jubilee line. I called the university and they were very gracious in allowing me to move to a dorm by the London Bridge, which made my time so far much better. Being so far would have had massive financial as well as social costs for me. Transportation would have been a huge burden, and it would have been much harder to see my friends.

One of the biggest challenges I faced immediately when I got here was making sure I had a daily / weekly routine. I wanted to establish one of these early on so that I didn’t feel like I was living in the city listlessly, and I wanted to feel like I was actually achieving things. This involved finding friends to hang out with, a place where I could grocery shop, and a gym. In the beginning, I was anxious that I hadn’t found these things within the first couple of days. However, within two weeks, all of them had fallen into place. I was concerned originally that it would be hard for me to make friends to hang out with and be social with, but the people on my floor have been extremely welcoming. One lesson that I learned from this is that getting into a routine and getting comfortable in a new place is extremely difficult.

...continue reading "Looking back at the first week."

By Raman Mama

Over my time in London, one of the things I’ve enjoyed doing the most is walking around the city and exploring new cultural nooks, to understand what ideas people value, and why. So far, the richest parts of the city in my opinion have been SOHO and Brixton. In these parts of the city, Londoners passion for culture and the ideas it promotes is on great display.

In these parts of the city, it becomes apparent how much British people value unique ideas and the stories behind works of art. In my first week walking around the city, I found several extremely interesting stores. There’s a store where each and every guitar is crafted by hand in Memphis to the specifications of the storeowner, then shipped over for sale. There’s a store that sells vintage records from the 70’s and 80’. There’s even a store where the owner hand curates each and every article of vintage clothing to be sold to her customers.

I find that in London, unique experiences related to stores and shopping are valued more so than chain stores. In major cities such as DC and Washington, this is still the case, and it’s sometimes hard to find truly unique brands and labels. Here, that is not the case.

Additionally, the music scene in London is vibrant. Intimate shows with bands are quite common, and good music travels around the underground quite quickly. The benefit to be had in this is that people connect extremely well off of ideas. There is always some fashion event, art show, and music room to go to, allowing for many opportunities to get to know the people, ideas and cultures that surround you.