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ETL Graduate Certificates – Course Requirements

Starting in Fall 2023, ETL graduate certificate students must complete 4 required courses (12 credits). Students should refer to their DegreeMap record for an official list of program requirements.

DegreeMAP:  DegreeMAP provides students with the ability to monitor their progress toward degree or certificate and review outstanding requirements. DegreeMAP is accessed through the GWeb Information SystemOpens in a new window: Student Records & Registration → Student Records Information Menu → DegreeMAP.

ETL Graduate Certificate Instructional Design
Required Courses
1. EDUC 6405 Designing Digital Learning (Fall)
2. EDUC 6406 Instructional Design (Spring)
3. EDUC 6422 Instructional Needs Assessment and Analysis (Fall)
..... or, EDUC 6426 Computer Interface Design for Learning (Summer)
4. EDUC 6427 Advanced Instructional Design (Summer)
ETL Graduate Certificate Educational Technology Leadership
Required Courses
1. EDUC 6401 Foundations in Educational Technology (Fall)
2. EDUC 6406 Instructional Design (Spring)
3. EDUC 6404 Computer Applications and Project Management (Summer)
..... or, EDUC 6403 Educational Hardware Systems (Fall)
..... or, EDUC 6425 Developing Effective Training with Technology (Spring - odd years only*)
..... or, EDUC 6428 Developing Digital Professional Portfolios (Spring - even years only*)
4. EDUC 6405 Designing Digital Learning (Fall)
..... or, EDUC 6402 Trends and Issues in Educational Technology (Spring)
..... or, EDUC 6368 Leadership and Education (Summer)
* Spring courses EDUC 6425 & EDUC 6428 will be offered in alternate years:
....EDUC 6425 will run odd years and EDUC 6428 even years.

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