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EDUC 6422

Course Description: EDUC 6422
Instructional Needs Assessment and Analysis


This course provides an introduction to the role that needs assessments have in the design and development of instruction. The intent of the course is to provide a general understanding of the fundamentals of well-designed needs assessments as they relate to the design of training and education. Needs assessment methods are discussed, as well as approaches to stakeholder identification, instruments for data collection, data analysis and deriving solutions from the data that meet the customer's requirements.


  • Develop a strategy for assessing specific needs.
  • Derive a practical set of assessment instruments.
  • Identify performance discrepancies and their significance in the target audience.
  • Develop an accurate summary of assessment results and reports that allow for informed decisions.
  • Describe general approaches to assessment instrument selection, question design, data collection and summary of results.