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by Colleen Kelty (

Every year, thousands of new professionals and representatives from hundreds of colleges descend upon a major U.S. city to participate in The Placement Exchange (TPE), the nation’s largest career placement resource in the field of higher education. This year, TPE was held at the Philadelphia Convention Center and was attended by three of CSE’s own: Laura Rouse, Frank Schleimer, and myself.

Long days of interviews, resumes, and thank you notes were certainly worth it as TPE provided us with an incredible opportunity to meet with an enormous variety of institutions and refine our interview skills. The apprehension was high as we prepared for this whirlwind experience. Laura Rouse reflects, “As a bonafide introvert, the thought of attending The Placement Exchange was initially very overwhelming and intimidating for finding my first professional job. Though the nerves were in full force the first day, I can truly say that I have never felt so comfortable speaking and connecting with employers from a variety of institutions. While interviewing can seem like you are just trying to prove yourself over and over again, the employers at TPE are really looking to just get to know you and to mutually see if the school or position is the right fit.” ...continue reading "‘Twas the Night Before TPE"